Zo 6.3

Multiplication of Species

p. 112-115


?        A branch point on the evolutionary tree means ________________________________________



?        According to Darwin, the __________________________________________________________ between geographically separated populations provides the material for new species to develop.

?        Biological species concept

?        1) ______________________________________________________________________


?        2) ______________________________________________________________________


?        3) ______________________________________________________________________


Reproductive Barriers

?        ______________________________________________________________________________


?        ________________________________________ isolation is the most common.

?        Diverging populations must be _________________________________ separated from each other for long periods of time (10,000-100,000 y)

?        ____________________________  Isolation

?        ____________________________ Isolation

Allopatric Speciation

?        Allopatric populations occupy ______________________________________________________

?        They don’t interbreed because they can’t get to each other, but if they could, they would.

?        Allopatric speciation results from ___________________________________________________

_______________________________________ between geographically separated populations.

?        Begins when a species splits into 2 or more geographically separated populations.

?        ___________________________ speciation – climatic or geological changes fragment a species’ habitat

?        Does not induce genetic change by ____________________________________, or by ___________________________________________ to an unfamiliar area

?        May fragment several different species simultaneously

?        Founder event – __________________________________________________________



?        Mating between ____________________________________ populations

?        By studying the genetics of hybrid populations, we can _________________________________


Sibling Species

?        Different species that are ______________________________________________ in organismal appearance

?        Have premating barriers

?        ____________________________________________________

?        ____________________________________________________

Nonallopatric Speciation

?        Sympatric speciation

?        Individuals become specialized for occupying ________________________ components of the environment

?        By having specific habitats in a single geographic area, populations achieve sufficient ________________________________ and ____________________________________ separation to evolve reproductive barriers

Adaptive Radiation

?        Production of ecologically diverse species from a ______________________________________


?        Galápagos finches (13 sp.)

?        Closely related, but each species differs in _______________________________

_____________ and in ______________________________________________